Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Obesity Caused by Poor Sleep Quality

Here's an item of interest for all those overweight poor sleepers.
You might be doing things the wrong way round!

At a recent seminar for sleep technicians at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Sydney Australia I was surprised to be informed that sleep apnea may cause obesity. Like many others, I always believed that obesity may be the cause of obstructive sleep apnea so I was quite surprised to find out it is thought to be the other way round.

Not that long ago I had a client inform me that he was trying to tackle the problem the other way around. Being obese and troubled by sleep apnea he couldn't find the energy to exercise. He tried for many years to lose weight but only got into a "yo-yo" rhythm and didn't really achieve anything. He was determined that this time it would be different.

Firstly he resolved his sleep apnea issue and was then able to rise in the morning feeling fresh and "full of beans" ready for a 4 kilometre power-walk. He did this at least 3-4 times a week. He also developed healthier eating habits by eating smaller quantities earlier in the day and less or nothing at least 5 hours before retiring for the evening. He was going to leave behind the general public's belief that in reducing body weight the sleep apnea would also disappear.

It is thought that people that suffer from sleep disturbances also often suffer from poor eating habits, irregular sleeping patterns and have less that 5 hours sleep per night. They also eat more hence often carrying additional unnecessary kilos. Tests have shown that your body is burning calories up to 22 hours after exercising, even while you sleep.

To break the cycle you may tackle it the other way around this time and try:

- getting a good, regular sleep first and waking up rested and ready for the new day

- some exercise 3-4 times a week

- eating healthier, a more reasonable quantity and perhaps nothing 4-5 hours prior to going to sleep

- drinking a lot of water during the day

However if you already have obstructive sleep apnea you may need to address this first and obtain the necessary information for successful treatment. You may go to my articles archive for suggestions and alternatives.

To find out more on this topic follow the link by clicking here

Cheers Ben Bosshard

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lose up to 10lbs in 3 days! The New 3 Day Diet

Hey - it can really be this simple to lose weight quickly!

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Burn 1000 Calories A Day Without Burning Out

Losing weight has been a battle for everyone, particularly for overweight individuals. That is why a lot of people have incorporated workouts and training to be able to shed those unwanted pounds. But sometimes, however you try to lose weight, you may feel that working out is futile, especially when you're unable to lose a single pound. Below are ways on how to burn 1000 calories a day that you can incorporate in your workout regimen.

Lift an extra weight
If you are lifting weights or using gym equipments, make sure to elevate your exercise routine up to 6%. If you normally lift 10 lbs weights, you could increase the weights for up to 12 lbs and so on. The increase in weights is an ingenious way on how to burn 1000 calories a day. This is because your body will exert more effort to resistance and therefore lose more calories during the course of your routine.

Clockin' the Cardio
Cardio routines are always considered to be a great way to lose weight. However, if you only run twice a week with only a few short laps, you will only get a mere warm up and not the desired calorie-shedding result. So up your jogging routine into 4 to 5 times a week with longer laps. Added to that, you can run using the treadmill so that you can calculate the amount of calorie that you are shedding. Remember that to be able to lose a single pound, you should be able to lose up to 3000 calories a week.

Day and Night Shift
Lastly, you can exercise twice a day with one morning exercise and one night exercise. These are great ways on how to burn 1000 calories a day because you are incorporating two exercise routines in one day. For example, go jogging or swimming in the morning before going to work. And at night after work, you can spend an hour or two in the gym for your cardio and toning. Be sure to incorporate a light routine such as jogging, brisk walking or swimming with hardcore training so that your body won't burn out.

You CAN lose weight, shed pounds EASY and FAST! Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated, boring or even hard.

Here's a FREE resource that's guaranteed to help you lose weight fast and easy: http://www.5MinuteFatLossSecrets.com/losepounds

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weight Loss Before and After Pictures!!!!!!! AMAZING!

This is an, "If they can lose weight, then I can too!" video.

They should all be congratulated for losing so much weight.

All the best with your endeavors.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want to Get Quicker Weight Loss? Here's 2 Surefire Tips That Will Shed Pounds Off in No Time!

Are you frustrated with dieting over and over again and never seem to be able to get quicker weight loss? Well, the following 2 tips are sure to help you out with getting that dream body you want... and deserve! Read on to learn more.

1.) A Chemical In Your Body That Stores Fat? Listen, I'm quite certain that you don't need me to tell you that life is very stressful these days! Well, the problem is that if you are trying to get in shape, being under too much stress can in fact cause you more problems than good. The reason why is due to the fact that while under stressful situations, the body releases a chemical called cortisol, and if too much of this chemical is released, then it will be stored... as fat... and more likely around the belly area!

To help relieve stress, I highly recommend that you do stretching exercises, tension relieving exercises (heavy bag boxing, shadow boxing, martial arts, deep breathing exercises, etc.), and also ensure that you don't do ineffective and complicated diets. Fad diets (low calorie, low fat, low carb, etc.) are the types of diets that are extremely difficult to stick to (and don't even work by the way), and therefore will be nothing but extra stress that you do not need.

2.) Eating More Will Get Quicker Weight Loss? You see, for so long I found myself getting tangled up with those crazy fad diet programs thinking that they are the only solution for getting in the best shape possible. Consequently, I had to learn that they are VERY ineffective and will only bring about side effects (loss of energy, digestive problems, and once you lose weight and then stop the diet... you regain it all the weight back)!

Once I came across a much more effective diet program, and stayed relentlessly consistent with it, I ended up with the body of my dreams... in 8 weeks... and my results have been completely permanent!

What was the diet based on? It was based on eating ALL types of nutrients more frequently through out the day (4 meals instead of the typical 2 or 3), and it was based on a secret fat burning trick called "shifting calories" that caused my metabolism to soar to the highest peak! The end result was 52 pounds dropped, 4 inches lost off the waist, and belly fat melted away... in 2 months!

Bottom line, you CAN get the body of your dreams, and you DO NOT have to do anything that is complicated, unnatural, expensive, or so called "popular" in order to get in shape. What I recommend you do is focus on lowering stress and get yourself on a natural diet that is based on getting complete proper nutrition and boosting your metabolism. You'll develop a much more healthier and trim body in just weeks from now!

So, if you want to Melt Away Belly Fat FAST and drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS, then I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

DIET vs EXERCISE Episode 1: Fat Loss Diet versus Best Cardio Workout to Burn Belly Fat

Well, at last someone with a sense of humor can shed a little light on exercise and diet for us!
Enjoy -

Monday, August 23, 2010

Balanced Eating - The Role of the Mind

Today I am interested in looking at the role the mind plays in practicing a balanced eating plan. I believe the mind is a central part of the story and that without harnessing the right attitude nothing else will really fall into place. There is a lot of info about healthy mind healthy body but today I want to explore the notion of forcing the body to encourage the mind to recognise the benefits of a healthy eating diet.

What I mean is that if you force yourself to make a single healthy choice your body will thank you for it. If you do this repeatedly your body will convince your mind of the benefits and in turn your mind will then encourage you to choose the healthy option at your next meal and the whole process will be come easier the further you go. In effect the healthy option will become a much more attractive food choice.

Forget craving sugar, fat, and salt. Start craving vegetables fruit and high fibre foods as your mind salivates over the benefits your body will be realising. It sounds a bit like a what comes first the chicken or the egg? I guess but the mind can influence the body and the body can influence the mind and until both are working in harmony then we need to leverage the opportunity to influence the other towards healthier options that form a balanced eating plan.

The right attitude is the secret to success in health. Your mind can feed your body healthy foods and your body can feed your mind healthy energy. Once you start on the journey of balanced eating your mind and body will push each other towards a healthier life faster than you realise.

The single most important thing any of us can do to change is to make a small adjustment. No matter how small or unrelated to our big picture goal that change is it will start a reaction that will lead to being on the path and continuing on the path to wherever you want to go. Big things happen slowly step by step. Taking the first step is usually the hardest part. Once you get moving it all becomes easier. So why don't you join me and lets take the first step to following a balanced eating plan together?

Rich has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1986 and during this time has had an interesting and extremely informative relationship with food, the body, the mind and how they all interact and influence one another. To find out more go to:

Rich Nicol - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What To Eat To Lose Weight

Well, I have just spent an hour trying to find a funny weight loss video. So many are so boring! And the ones which were slightly funny were ..... well... um........mmmmmmmmmmmm

So I left them where they were.

Here's some simple advice.I'm not sure he has all his facts quite right but the message is there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Lose 14lb in 5 days

If you need to lose weight in a hurry or for that special occasion this looks a sensible fast weight loss diet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are Fad Diets Dangerous?

Here's some sensible advice:

We humans seem to be obsessed with novelty and gimmicks and so even though we know that something is good for us, or is a reliable solution to a particular problem, we will ignore it in favor of something flashier and eye catching. A prime example of this issue can be plainly seen in regards to weight loss and dieting in that the tried and proven methods of weight loss, such as exercise and healthy eating are summarily snubbed in favor of fad diets.

These fad diets, which are as bereft of facts as they are nutritional value, should be approached with extreme caution. A great deal of them encourage very counter-productive and frankly, downright dangerous eating habits such as the total abstinence of one type of food, in favour of excessive consumption of another.

What many people fail to realize is that whilst there is issues such as "vitamin deficiency" it is also possible to actually overdose on certain types of healthy food. For example, whilst Vitamin A is proudly broadcasted as the primary means of ensuring healthy eyes and eyesight, an overdose of this vitamin can cause cataracts and even blindness.

Fad diets effectively demonise otherwise healthy foods and so they completely ignore any form of balance in regards to this issue. The Atkins Diet was a prime example of this, in that carbohydrates are determined as being hazardous to weight loss and therefore, they were to be avoided.

Carbohydrates are not an essential energy source for the human body and so it is in theory at least, entirely possible for a person to be able to acquire all of the energy they need for their activities solely from protein and fat.

However, consuming carbohydrates as an energy source will significantly reduce the risks of heart disease as well as renal failure, which are two health conditions associated with an excessive consumption of fat, and protein respectively.

The Atkins diet used faulty logic as it generalised ALL carbs to be hazardous to health. Complex carbohydrates which are found in wholegrain bread, pasta and vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms are ideal for safeguarding good health, whereas simple carbs (commonly found in chocolate, soda and refined sugar) do not provide substantial or beneficial health effects for the person who consumes them.

Tread lightly when using a fad diet, or better yet, just don't use them at all.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Click here - FREE How to Lose 20lbs in 4 weeks without Special Diets

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_Orion

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Harvard Food Pyramid

This is the Harvard Food Pyramid.
If you've been trying to lose weight and it hasn't worked,
maybe you need a different set of rules.
I'm convinced that some diets which work for some people
are not right for others.
It doesn't mean that 50% of your lowest level intake should be oils!
It means it's really important to include them.
And notice at the very bottom it says
"Daily Exercise and Weight Control".

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Better Food Pyramid, What to Eat, Nutrition by Natalie

Here's a really interesting food pyramid!
May be we should do a rethink?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So What is a Low Fat Diet?

When people are trying to lose weight, it is easy for them to be influenced by all of the weight loss television shows, books and fad diets that they see everywhere. Not only do these diets not usually work, but they can be very unhealthy. If someone does not know what a low fat diet is, then they are missing out on an easy and healthy way to drop pounds and keep them off.

Starting a low fat diet does not mean that someone should cut out fats completely because the body does, in fact, need some of them to be healthy. The important thing is to understand which fats are the good ones and which are the bad. Trans fats are the ones to stay away from because they raise the levels of bad fats and lower the levels of good ones. They are typically used to extend the shelf life of processed foods, so it is a good idea to stick to fresh food for a diet that is low in fat.

There are many foods that are low in fat but one of the best is fish. In fact, experts say that someone on a low fat diet would benefit from eating fish at least twice a week. It is extremely low in fat and even the fattier fishes, such as salmon, have high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart.

When it comes to snacking on a low fat diet, there are many delicious options. Low fat yogurt and fruit along with raw vegetables are very popular choices for a low fat snack. For something crunchier, replace traditional potato chips that are full of bad fats with whole grain crackers or air popped popcorn without a lot of butter and salt.

For a true low fat diet, it matters not only what someone eats but how they prepare it. Using oil or butter to cook a meal adds unnecessary fats to the dish. Instead, use a nonstick cooking spray to grease up a pan. It is even easy to make cooking spray at home with just canola oil and water.

Diets can be intimidating to many people and they often just want to go with the quickest fix. However, these quick fixes very rarely offer real results that will last. A low fat diet is a healthy way to lose weight and it is surprisingly easy to stick to once someone gets the hang of it.

Losing weight can also help fight insomnia. To learn more about Insomnia Causes click on the previous link. Also, if you would like to learn more about Severe Insomnia, click on this previous link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Dean_Miller

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fat Humor with Some Phat Solutions

Losing Weight is so serious! I've been trying to find something to help make us laugh - it must help exercise the tummy muscles!?
I think I need to keep looking....

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Rapid Weight Loss - 6 Sure Fire Techniques"

Weight affects a person in many ways other than just physical appearance. With some it could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical limitations. Once a person experiences weight loss there are a lot of positive changes. That’s why many people are searching for a weight loss technique that will burn those fats and give them a super slim body.

Before starting any diet, anyone who is over-weight should seek a doctor’s recommended weight loss plan. This should be done after a full physical examination, which leads to an individual weight loss plan. To lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be considered: what you should eat, how you should eat, your behavior and your exercise level.

Fast tips that can change your life:

First: Fast weight loss consists of a combination of mindset, exercise, and in some instances, diet supplements. Start by having a diet plan that is easy to follow. Include an exercise plan that allows at least fifteen minutes a day such as brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic goals. The ability to focus and have a proper mindset enables you to lose quickly those extra pounds.

Third: Everyone's metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. You may need to change one program for another to allow for your body's reaction. Your exercise program must be suitable for you, as some people are not able to exercise as vigorously as others. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven to be the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's good to put on a little muscle .

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes you feel full longer and stays in the stomach longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. – the basis of the low GI diet.

Fifth: Avoid fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. It’s recommended for those on a strict diet to opt for grilled food,

Sixth: Drink lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, it’s important to stay hydrated.

Discipline and consistency are still the best way to rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, a workout, and, if necessary, the right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday, will result in faster weight loss than having massive action only to be followed by a return to old habits as this only leads to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan started.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

3 Proven Ways You Can Permanently Melt Away Fat in No Time!

Wondering how to lose a lot of fat fast, easy, and permanently? Here are 3 extremely effective ways that got me the body of my dreams in 8 weeks:

1.) Eat Less Per Meal Not Per Day - Going against the typical fad dieting craze of the low calorie diet, eating less per meal and not per day is one of the most effective ways to lose pounds and fat more quickly and permanently. The reason being is because when you lower the amount of calories you eat per meal and eat more frequently through out the day (4-5 small meals), you will decrease cravings, boost your metabolism, and you won't be as hungry. On the other hand, if you decrease your TOTAL calorie intake for the day or if you eat too many calories per meal, you will end up slowing your metabolism down.

2.) Fire Up Your Metabolism - One of the absolute most important things you can do in order to lose a lot of fast is to increase your metabolic rate. However, after a long nights rest, your metabolism needs a jump start in order to run effectively through out the day and you need to ensure it doesn't decrease too much during the night. To prevent it from slowing down too much at night, avoid eating (especially carbs) at least 3 hours before going to bed. To jump start it first thing in the morning, have an ice cold glass of water (this will cause thermogenesis where the body increases the metabolism due to the shock of cold water after hours of not having any).

3.) Proper Nutrition - The ultimate secret in losing weight and burning fat is getting 100% proper nutrition. Firstly, whatever you do, please avoid fad dieting as this type of dieting will cause you more problems than good. Secondly, to ensure that not only you lose weight, but also burn away lbs. of fat and build lean muscle tissue on a consistent basis, I recommend that you get ALL nutrients (protein, antioxidants, good carbs such as fiber, good fats such as monounsaturated, and vitamins/minerals).

Bottom line, those 3 proven tips is what I based my search on with finding an effective diet program. Once I found a diet that was based on getting 100% proper nutrition (which means no starvation, no cravings, and no severe restrictions), and increasing my metabolism, I ended up losing 52 pounds of stubborn fat in 2 months... FOR GOOD!

Want to Melt Away Fat FAST and lose up to 25 lbs. IN 1 MONTH? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A._Barnes

Monday, July 5, 2010

My 40lb Weight loss Before & After

There's some simple advice here - no need to complicate things - focus on your goal weight!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lose Several Pounds Fast - 4 Proven Ways You Can Lose a Lot of Weight Lightning Fast & Permanently!

Some easy steps are given below to lose several pounds quickly. The following article is based on the natural method of weight loss. So, you are not advised to use any artificial products or pills from the first day you start this program.


Let us start the diet chart from the morning drink onwards. We normally take coffee or tea to refresh us. But, here we ask you to drink a cup of green tea. Green tea contains lots of antioxidants that have the capacity to boost metabolism, provide energy and fight with cancer. Green tea can be taken twice a day. After your healthy breakfast, you can drink apple cider vinegar which effectively boosts metabolism to lose several pounds quickly.

How to drive metabolism consistently?

Consistent metabolism is compulsory, if you want to lose several pounds quickly. Never allow your metabolism to dip as it will cause reverse effect in the weight loss process. So, avoid all the low calorie foods and take highly nutritious natural foods. Never look on the fancy foods that contain too much oil, ghee and bad fats that diminish the speed of your metabolism rate.

Quality foods suggested for fat loss

The food we ask you to take is not any special food, but your own kitchen products. Always fill your meal plate with rich protein, carbohydrates, fibres, vitamins & minerals diet. These diets shoot the metabolism when taken frequently. Quick bites should be avoided and never take lemonade, diet pills to control your hunger. If you are feeling hunger in between your regular meals, you can take vegetable soups or juice to fill that gap.

Right exercise to lose several pounds quickly

Youths can follow sprinting, heavy bag boxing, jogging, skipping, treadmill and other weight training exercises like bench presses, squats etc. Elders can choose ten to fifteen minutes brisk walk. For heavy fat in youngsters we recommend compound weight training exercises. It is better to do exercise in the early morning for quicker results.

Apart from exercises, you should also follow calorie shifting diet technique to lose several pounds quickly. You should provide good amount of calorie in your breakfast. Your noon meal should also contain all nutrient foods. You are not allowed to skip your evening meal. In the snacks time instead of junk foods, you can take healthy sprouts. Dinner should contain medium level of calorie for quicker digestion. This changing calorie will raise the metabolism to the extreme higher level and burn the fat quickly.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Want to Melt Away Fat and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

Click http://weight-loss-diet-secret.info and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Gate

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Get a Slimmer Belly Fast - Do You Know Which Kind of Diet Works Best to Lose Stubborn Fat Fast?

Do you want to FINALLY get a slimmer belly fast? Are you tired of fad dieting and just want to go on a program PROVEN to work best for getting in shape? Okay my friend, take a couple of minutes out of your hectic day and read on to learn which type of diet worked incredibly well for me as well as thousands of others to burn fat lightning fast!

You know, I got myself tangled up with those crazy fad diets (lemonade, low fat, low carb, starving yourself, celebrity endorsed, etc.) once before and the only that happened to me was that I lost energy, became constipated on a regular basis, my metabolism obviously reduced since I never lost fat and experienced yo-yo weight loss, and I wasted a ton of money!

Since I was pretty desperate to lose my stubborn belly fat and get in shape, I kept looking for a solution. Then I FINALLY came across an unbelievably powerful diet program. After getting on this diet, I came to the understanding that in order to get in the best shape possible naturally, easily, and permanently, this is what a program must be based on:

A.) Eating Right - To effectively burn fat and maintain energy, we need carbs (the good kind), to prevent storing body fat and improve our heart health we need good fats (monounsaturated for example), to prevent slowing down our metabolism we need the right amount of calories. A good diet will provide you with a meal plan based on proper nutrition.

B.) Naturally Boost To The Metabolism - My friend, to get a slimmer belly fast, a faster metabolism is a surefire bet you'll not only lose fat off your stomach, but also get in the best shape of your life. A good diet program will naturally increase your metabolism and fat burning hormones.

C.) Simplicity - Fad dieting is VERY difficult to stick to and is why most people end up failing with those programs... to say the least. A program that is simply based on changing around your current lifestyle by eating NORMAL foods, eating more frequently to prevent starvation and cravings, and is readily available to you (such as on your computer) is a simple diet to stick to.

Bottom line, once I stopped getting on those crazy fad diets and got on a program such as what I talked about above, I wound up losing 50 pounds of stubborn fat in 8 weeks time... FOR GOOD! Given that I had such a difficult time once before getting in shape, if that type of dieting above worked for me, I'm sure it will get you incredible results too.

Want to Melt Away Fat FAST and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A._Barnes

Friday, June 25, 2010

Your Diet and Your Body Type

Here's a different way of dieting:

Don't you feel like it should not be such an impossible task to lose weight? Even just a small amount. Don't you dread the thought of having to try yet another diet? When your diet does little more than tell you exactly what you're supposed to eat and ends up not working you give up. You might even start to believe you have no self discipline.

It's not really willpower that trips most people up. Most of us have never been taught how to properly lose weight. No one is going to stick with a program that's not working. But if you do the correct thing and you know how to do it, it will work and you will stick with it.

When someone finally learns the basic facts and comprehends the principles by which fat is burned and health is created, they will be successful. But if you simply tell them what to do, you've done nothing for them of any lasting value. So many weight loss books say things like, "Scientific studies have shown... " or "Everyone knows... This approach does nothing to convey understanding. What is important to understand is that we all have unique bodies, and must follow a body type diet tailored to the unique characteristics of our own body.

Many people are attempting to fix the wrong problem: their weight. Weight is actually the symptom. It is also necessary to understand what controls your metabolism. It is hormones. You're going to need these hormones to work for you - not against you. Hormones are messages made by the glands. There are six fat burning and three fat making hormones. Each is triggered by different things.

The body type diet is not necessarily for those who find it easy to lose weight. It is for those with an especially stubborn metabolism who will find the body type diet helpful. Your body type diet gives you the greatest success rate in the attempt to lose weight because it addresses fat burning hormones - these are the very things that cause weight loss.

The purpose of fat is as a store of reserve energy. Most of us are running on pure sugar for fuel and very rarely ever use our stores of fat. We have within our own bodies, the very things we need to tap in to our stores of fat energy. You are going to be triggering not just one hormone but all six key hormones to create maximum fat burning effects. You'll not simply lose a lot of weight as a result of your body type diet, but you'll also get extremely healthy in the process of following your body type diet.

Different bodies - different solutions. Most of us are one of four distinct body shapes. Consequently, we require different food and exercise programs and a unique body type diet.

What you might not have realized is that your own hormones have been working against you, making you fat and distorting your body's shape. You need to locate the hormone or gland responsible for causing your body shape distortion and get on the body type diet appropriate to correct it.

Just about any diet can work for a time. Your body type diet is so exciting because it will allow you to stay skinny as a result of the cause of your weight problem being treated. Your body type diet will stabilize your glands and hormones that have caused you to get fat to begin with. Doing what everyone else is doing - dieting and burning fat without having fixed the cause. Your weight will eventually return. Your primary goal needs to be getting your weakest gland healthy so that you can stay permanently at your ideal weight.

Your energy, your sleep, your digestion, hair, skin, nails, etc. will all improve as a result of your body type diet. Why? Because it is hormones that control these body characteristics!

First, you'll learn what body shape you have. You'll learn much about how it works and how it burns fat. This is the whole point. We need to look beyond dieting and exercising and focus on what is important. Triggering the fat burning hormones that have caused you to become unhealthy to begin with, and to get on a body type diet specific to your body shape.

It is your body, and you live inside it. Doesn't it make sense to read the manual?

There has been so much information regarding body types and the hormones that control the burning of fat. Find out why it's so hard to lose weight sometimes. Find your body type and learn about the body type diet visit http://www.findyourbodytype.com/body_type_diet.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_K_Bell

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best Diets For Quick Weight Loss - These Are the Types of Diets That Will Get You a Sexy Body Fast!

Have you been searching all over the best diets for quick weight loss, but all that you have come across are expensive fad diet scams that promise you the world and then deliver you false hope? My friend, I know EXACTLY what you're going through! I experienced those headaches once before! With that said, there are actually diets out here nowadays that will get you a sexy body easily, quickly, and 100% naturally! Read on to see which types work best:

1.) First things first. An effective diet MUST be based on eating ALL types of foods with no restrictions. This means that the low carb, low fat, low calorie types of diets should be crossed off the list. I later on discovered that by restricting nutrients, you are actually depriving your body of the things it needs in order to efficiently lose weight, burn fat, and improve your overall health.

2.) The next thing I suggest you look for is a program that will naturally boost your metabolism. The quicker your metabolism is running, the quicker you'll lose weight, and once you lose the weight... it will stay off for good! If a diet is based around naturally increasing your metabolic rate, it typically is going to be doing so by having you change your eating patterns around.

3.) Another thing to look for is if the program is not just based around dieting to lose weight, but also eating healthier FOR LIFE... not just for the duration of a diet. The way I look at it is this: What's the point of dieting if the weight is not going to stay off permanently? A good diet program will show you what you need to do to not just lose the weight... but keep it off FOREVER!

Bottom line, if you are just sick and tired of getting on diet after diet and never getting the body you've always wanted, then I strongly recommend that you use those tips above to find an effective program that WILL work. Once I found a diet that was based on those tips above, I successfully dropped an amazing 50 pounds of fat in 8 weeks... and it has all stayed off FOR GOOD!

Want to Melt Away Fat FAST and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Carbohydrates and the Low GI Diet

The low GI Diet is not necessarily a weight loss diet but more a healthy way of eating for life.

The GI or Glycaemic Index measures the effects of carbohydrates on our blood sugar levels and was originally devised for people with diabetes.

The word carbohydrate is often used to describe any food which is rich in starch such as cereals, bread, pasta or sugar.

With the low GI diet we need to realize that it also applies to fruits, vegetables and dairy foods.

The carbohydrates which break down into the blood stream quickly are high GI foods and those which break down slowly are the low GI carbohydrates.

Low GI foods which scores 55 or less

Consist of most fruit and vegetables, wholegrain breads, wholegrain pastas, pulses [also called lentils or beans], milk, yoghurt, and some cheeses and nuts.

Medium GI 56 – 69

Basmati rice, doongarra rice, whole wheat products, many root vegetables, and sugar.

High GI 70 – 100

Lots of modern breakfast cereals, mashed and baked potatoes, white bread, most white rices, cakes and cookies with glucose being the measure for 100.

So usually we can say, the less processed the food, the more likely it will have a low GI but it’s almost impossible to guess the GI of a food by looking at it.

So – does this mean that if we eat all low GI foods we will lose weight ? NO

Think of nuts, oils and some dairy foods which are full of fat. If you’re trying to lose weight these should be had in moderation.

Does this mean that we can only have all Low GI foods in our diet? NO

The foods which we need to avoid for weight loss are the high GI foods which give us a surge of energy and then leave us feeling hungry in an hour or two.

Low GI foods leave us feeling full for longer so we’re less likely to crave a quick fix sugar snack.

The secret is to learn the GI of basic foods and learn to balance them. So if you do have a high GI food, you can balance it with a low GI food and the result for the meal will be medium GI


So manage your meals carefully and you can have the occasional treat without feeling guilty!

Fast Weight Loss Workout

Definitely a workout for the under 30s! I don't think I could even have done it then.....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Proteins and Weight Loss

We all need protein in our diet, even vegetarians need to eat some sort of protein, because it is essential for the growth and repair of tissue.

While meat is our main source of protein we also obtain it from fish, eggs, milk, and cheese.

While red meat is a great protein – don’t eat too much if you’re trying to lose weight as it is full of fat.

Don’t cut it out of your diet altogether but chicken and fish are a better choice when you’re trying to lose weight.

The other variety of protein comes from plants and includes peas, beans, lentils nuts and cereal grains. If you limit yourself to these you’ll probably need a supplement to get the right balance of amino acids.

It’s important not to cut out protein if you’re trying to lose weight

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why Do Most People Fail at Dieting?

The number one reason why most people fail at dieting is simple: they can't stick to it. Most people fall into the trend of saying "Okay, next week I'm going to start a diet" or even setting their New Year's resolutions as losing weight or getting in shape. But why can't these people stick to it? So many people try diets, why isn't everyone walking around in great shape?

The problem is that people most often jump in to a super strict diet plan or fad diet that is very unreasonable. Eating barely anything along with a few salads per day is going to get you no where; in fact, you may gain more weight back than you lost after you finish starving your body of the calories and nutrients it needs. Let's talk a little about what exactly your body does when it is faced with a situation where calorie intake is dropped dramatically.

Starvation Mode

When faced with low calorie conditions, your body enters a state known commonly as "Starvation mode". If you suddenly drop your caloric intake by 1000 calories or more, your body's instinct is to hold on to as much fat as possible in order to prolong your life, as if you were being faced with real famine conditions. Sure, you may lose a few pounds in the beginning, but your body will quickly adapt and bring your weight loss to a halt. Your body will lower your metabolism and begin to eat away at muscle mass, leaving you feeling lethargic and very hungry. After returning to normal eating habits your body will store as much fat as it can, often leading to a higher weight and body mass index than when you started dieting in the first place.

Body Mass Index: a measurement of the relative percentages of fat and muscle mass in the human body, which is used as an index of obesity.

Keeping this in mind, it wouldn't make sense to drop your calories to low levels, would it? Although this seems to be common sense when faced with the information above, people still ignorantly and defiantly try to drop pounds quick by severely under eating. To succeed in your diet and weight loss goals, phase in dieting over time; don't suddenly drop calories, but rather slowly reduce them to a healthy level.

Author's website is Elgin Carpet

Monday, June 14, 2010

Killer Belly Fat That is a Risk to Your Health

Hey there!

Did you know that masses of people in the world currently have excess belly fat? The primary thing that most people think of is that their extra "belly bulge" is simply ugly, aggravating, and prevents them from showing off their body in the summer.

Truthfully, most people don't realize that excess stomach fat is not only ugly, but is also a dangerous factor to your health.

There are two types of fat that we all have in our stomach area. The first type that covers up the abdomen area from being visible is named subcutaneous fat and lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the stomach muscles.

The second type of fat that people have in the stomach area is named visceral fat, which lies deeper in the abdomen underneath your muscle and surrounding organs. Visceral fat also gives certain men a "beer belly" look where their abdomen sticks out tremendously and also feels a bit hard.

Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the stomach area are serious health risk factors, but scientists have shown that having too much visceral fat is far more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. These increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, sleep deprivation, different types of cancer, and several similar degenerative diseases.

What is specifically dangerous with visceral fat is that it releases more inflammatory molecules into your body consistently.

If you care about the quality and longevity of your life, reducing stomach fat should be one of your TOP priorities! Absolutely no way around that, my friend.

So what realistically gets rid of that extra stomach fat? Is there actually a TRUE solution to all this madness?

The first thing to know is that there's absolutely NO quick fix solution. It simply doesn't work that way. The ONLY solution to consistently lose your stomach fat and keep it off for good is to mesh a sound nutritious diet full of unprocessed natural foods together with a correctly designed exercise program that stimulates metabolic and hormonal response in the body. Both food intake and an effective training program are important if you want to get this done right.

The important thing is to realize that just any old exercise program will not really do the trick. The majority of people that attempt getting into a good exercise routine are NOT working out effectively enough to actually stimulate the loss of stubborn belly fat. I see this everyday in the workout gyms.

Most people will do your normal boring cardio routines that won't do much, throw in some body-part style weight training, and pump away with crunches and bends, and think they are doing something useful for reducing their excess belly fat. Then they get frustrated weeks after not seeing any real results.

Keep in mind that the whole point of this health program is NOT abdominal exercises. The main point of this program is showing you the absolute most effective strategies for losing your stubborn abdominal fat, so you can get rid of that dangerous health risk, as well as get a flatter more defined midsection.

Following the step-by-step solutions WILL help you lose that belly fat that may have been plaguing you. Totally simple as that!

It's my passion to help people succeed over that ugly, dangerous abdominal fat and keep their health in tact. So, why waste another day allowing that nasty excess belly bulge to kill your confidence and play a part in the risk of obtaining MAJOR diseases? Take action today. Live well.

- Robert Franklin
Fitness Advisor

I want to hear your success story, too.

visit: http://www.myfitlife.info

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weight Loss Tips to Lose Weight Quick

Most of the time, anything that makes the promise of losing weight quick is pretty much guaranteed to either not be sustainable for a long amount of time, OR, it is not really healthy weight that you are losing. There is a big difference in whether or not you are shredding fat or you are losing water weight. While the scale may show that you are a few pounds lighter, losing water weight is NOT a good idea.

Here are some weight loss tips on how to lose weight quick and healthy:

1. INCREASE the amount of water that you intake each and every single day.

Now, most people would expect that they would start to look bloated from this, but as long as you space out the water throughout the day, that should not be a problem. Also, the body does a funny thing. It retains water when you are not getting enough of it and THAT is what will give you a bloated look. So, don't worry and space out the water evenly throughout the day.

2. Add an extra amount of fiber to your diet.

You might not realize this, but there is a good chance that you do not get nearly enough fiber in your daily diet. Most people don't. Replace the white breads and pastas and rice with brown and you will add a healthy amount of fiber to your diet. What fiber does besides keep you regular, is it helps give you a fuller feeling in the stomach longer throughout the day.

3. Use proper exercise techniques that speed up your weight loss and keep you in better shape.

Exercise does play a vital role in any weight loss that you are after, and unless you are exercising properly, then you are NOT going to reap the rewards that you desire. You need to make sure that you are using the RIGHT techniques to match your goals.

4. Keep careful logs of your progress and REWARD yourself.

When you do get closer and closer to your weight loss goals, then you need to reward yourself in some way. Whether it is to indulge in a one time snack or something totally unrelated to food, this will help you to keep your motivation at peak levels and you will want to stay on the right track and finally get to that goal that you have been working for.

Win the battle over weight loss and discover how to lose weight fast?

Go to: Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To Lose Weight - Why You’ll Love The Low GI Diet!

If you need to lose weight it’s important that you can enjoy eating and not feel hungry. You need to look forward to your next meal knowing that you’ll enjoy the food and feel satisfied at the end of it. And you need to know the weight loss diet will fulfil your daily dietary needs.

  1. You’ll love not feeling hungry at the end of a meal Often you’ll find you’re eating more than you used to and you’re still losing weight!
  2. You’ll love being able to balance high GI foods with low GI so you don’t miss out on old favorites altogether.
  3. You’ll love the way it keeps you feeling satisfied longer. You may no longer feel you need that cake or cookie in the late afternoon.
  4. You’ll love the fact that the whole family will enjoy it. If you’re the cook you won’t need to cook one meal for them and one for you!
  5. You’ll love the way you feel healthy. You’ll even want to exercise because you’ll have extra energy.
  6. You’ll love not having those sugar cravings. Your body won’t experience those “lows” where you need to give it an energy boost.
  7. You’ll love finding items on a restaurant menu which you can eat. There’s no need to feel like a social outcast because you know there’s nothing you can eat without feeling guilty.
  8. You’ll love being able to have a snack between meals. It won’t be cake or high energy sugar bars but it will be enjoyable.
  9. You’ll love knowing you’re eating a balanced diet. None of these no carbohydrates/no fats/too much grapefruit etc diets where you may lose weight but you’re doing your body a disservice.
  10. You’ll love knowing that low GI foods help you burn more body fats and less muscle. Often diets make you lose too much muscle.
  11. Most importantly you’ll love knowing that you can keep the weight off! No more of the seesaw weight loss/weight gain problem.

You’ll still have to watch your fat intake, even if it is a low GI fat. You can still enjoy a good steak [minus the fat] because not being a carbohydrate, it has no GI. Once you’ve lost weight, you’ll know you can balance out high GI foods so you won’t gain weight again. So with a low GI weight loss diet you can become trim and healthy and pertinently, you won’t feel deprived. Why not find out more?

Finding Foods With Low Glycemic Index Value

How to pick foods low index foods


Carbohydrates are generally categorized in two forms: Simple (like sugar, honey etc.) and complex (like grains, starchy vegetables, legumes etc.). Thus, it is important to know how these carbohydrates change the blood sugar (glucose) level. Sugar is the energy source in the human body. The blood sugar, which is delivered to our cells through our blood, derived from the carbohydrate eaten by us. Foods, which have a low glycemic value, raise the blood sugar level slowly whereas foods with high glycemic number increase blood sugar level rapidly. The GI thus helps in choosing appropriate foods to maintain the blood glucose level.

Concepts of Glycemic Index

The glycemic chart is a scale, which is used to show; how much the food can raise the blood sugar (blood glucose) level. Glycemic index rates foods from zero to 100 based on their carbohydrate level and its effect on the blood sugar level. Foods with less than 55 are considered low glycemic index foods. High glycemic foods are rated more than 70. Moderate GI food ranges from 56 to 69. The Glycemic idea helps us control our blood sugar levels and helps in reducing heart diseases and weight or maintaining a healthy weight. A low glycemic value food does not increase the blood glucose level, which maintains the cholesterol level and prevents insulin resistance. It has been found by researches that a low glycemic diet provides health benefits.

The slower the food is processed, the slower the insulin released which brings a healthy effect on the body. Experts suggest having fewer foods with high Glycemic index and more foods with a low Glycemic index. So weight gain is controlled by eating low carbohydrate foods, which do not raise the blood sugar level.

Low glycemic foods: Low Glycemic foods are slowly absorbed and digested, and release glucose in to blood. Then it results in the slow and constant supply of sugar to the bloodstream, which supplies our body with proper functioning longer than high glycemic index foods. Eating low glycemic foods is a healthy way to protect ourselves against diseases. The Glycemic index is for both diabetic and non-diabetic people. For the normal human being, it helps regulating the blood glucose and avoiding risk factors. It maintains the energy level and keeps a healthy weight. Some nutritionists have already proved that a low glycemic diet reduces regular fluctuations in blood sugar levels and it prevents diabetes, hypoglycemia and hunger. Low glycemic index foods not only slow the sugar level but also it has a superior nutrient profile.

Some low GI foods are skim milk, oat bread, sweet potato, pasta, fruits like apples, oranges, strawberries, cherries, pears, and plums etc. vegetables like green beans, cucumber, mushrooms, peppers, cauliflowers, carrots etc. Starches include pasta, brown rice, wheat bread etc. other low GI foods are sweeteners, juices (apple juices, orange juices), milk products, legumes, cereals, nuts and nuts butters etc. Lower rated glycemic index foods raise the blood sugar slowly. It is higher in nutrients, fiber and antioxidants lower in calories.

Some healthy tips: A food is considered a high Glycemic index food, is ranked above 70. Some sugar level problems include low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar level (hyperinsulemia). Sugars are not only simple sugar, honey but also it includes fruits, juices, starchy vegetables, grain products with high Glycemic index. People who do not having any blood sugar level problems are not suggested to eat low glycemic foods. When preparing a healthy meal, some guidelines should be kept in mind like: food products should have a GI of not more than 70. In addition, half of the ingredients should have GI of less than 50.

Ron Mahon is a expert on losing weight.
If fact he lost over 2,000 lbs..yes he gained back 2,050 until early 2009.
That's when he discovered this simple system for losing weight and keeping it off.

For more information visit http://glycemic-index-results.com/

Sunday, June 6, 2010

American Health Journal - TV: New heart diet

Low Glycemic Diet - Lose Weight & Eat Healthy

Do you have an important reason why you want to lose weight? Maybe you will attend a social event such as a family wedding soon or you simply want to feel comfortable with your figure while on the beach with the kids.

You might be tempted to follow the latest fad on dieting because it has been effective on friend of a friend, or because a celebrity said something on TV. Let me tell you: such a BAD idea! Some of these diets might work for a short time, and dieting will even seem easy. In the end, chances are you will return to your normal habits and, as soon as that happens, you will slowly regain that weight again.

Truth be told, your chances are a lot better if you simply start watching out for what you are eating and pay more attention to your food choices. The low glycemic diet, also known as the GI diet, is a great way to lose weight in a sustainable fashion.

Success with the low glycemic diet is up to a number of factors, such as your body's metabolic rate, the types of food you usually eat to help with weight loss and how fast (or slowly) you want to lose weight,

The glycemic index classifies foods into three separate groups, depending on the amount of simple or complex sugars each of them contains:

High GI Foods: mashed potatoes, corn flakes, watermelon;
Medium GI Foods: white rice, raisins, pineapple, green pea soup (tinned);
Low GI Foods: whole milk, apples, baked beans in tomato sauce.

Basically this diet works by avoiding and/or controlling the intake high GI foods. These foods are digested and absorbed very quickly by the body, raising the blood sugar level too fast. The end result is that you will feel hungry much faster, craving for your next meal or some unhealthy snacks. Athletes can get away with this, but normal people like you and me should avoid this. This can be especially dangerous for people with diabetes because of the instant surge in blood sugar levels. In fact, this diet was created having in mind patients with type-2 diabetes and their needs to stabilize the glucose levels in their blood.

On the other hand, low GI foods slow down the process of glucose peaks, since they often contain complex sugar that take longer to release carbohydrates. Since the body will take longer to digest the nutrients from these foods and convert them into usable sources of energy, we will feel satisfied for a longer period of time, thus dis encouraging snacks between meals.

For example: if your breakfast is oatmeal, chopped nuts, low fat milk and whole berries, you are more likely to make it until lunchtime without a snack in between. But by eating a bowl of corn flakes, then you will probably be craving a cookie as a mid morning snack.

The good thing about the low glycemic diet is that it is not so restrictive, being balanced throughout the food groups. Foods from the high GI group can be replaced by others from the medium or low GI groups. Actually, this is a diet pan that can be followed by your entire family, changing everybody's eating habits and moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

Ken D. Rice invites you to visit LowGlycemicIndexFoods.org -- where you can find out about low glycemic index foods and get some healthy eating tips. He also wrote a detailed article on his personal experience with a low glycemic diet, losing 9 pounds in 6 weeks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_D._Rice

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weight Loss - Is this Your Excuse Too????

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lose Weight With The Low GI Diet

The Low GI Diet has many similarities to the Mediterranean Diet. Both are enjoyable lifestyle diets but need to be modified for weight loss.

Now GI stands for Glycaemic Index. To put it simply, it tells us how carbohydrates effect our blood sugar levels.

Foods with a high GI are broken down and released into the blood stream quickly.

Foods with a low GI are broken down and released into the blood stream slowly.

High GI foods make us feel hungry and wanting more food soon after we’ve eaten.

Low GI foods leave us feeling satisfied for longer and we feel less tempted to have that extra snack or to overeat when it’s the next meal time.

So for dieting – avoid high GI foods and stick to combinations of low and medium GI foods.

As this is a lifestyle diet, you will be able to have high GI foods sometimes when you’re down to your goal weight so long as the meal is balanced with the low GI foods.

More anon.