Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want to Get Quicker Weight Loss? Here's 2 Surefire Tips That Will Shed Pounds Off in No Time!

Are you frustrated with dieting over and over again and never seem to be able to get quicker weight loss? Well, the following 2 tips are sure to help you out with getting that dream body you want... and deserve! Read on to learn more.

1.) A Chemical In Your Body That Stores Fat? Listen, I'm quite certain that you don't need me to tell you that life is very stressful these days! Well, the problem is that if you are trying to get in shape, being under too much stress can in fact cause you more problems than good. The reason why is due to the fact that while under stressful situations, the body releases a chemical called cortisol, and if too much of this chemical is released, then it will be stored... as fat... and more likely around the belly area!

To help relieve stress, I highly recommend that you do stretching exercises, tension relieving exercises (heavy bag boxing, shadow boxing, martial arts, deep breathing exercises, etc.), and also ensure that you don't do ineffective and complicated diets. Fad diets (low calorie, low fat, low carb, etc.) are the types of diets that are extremely difficult to stick to (and don't even work by the way), and therefore will be nothing but extra stress that you do not need.

2.) Eating More Will Get Quicker Weight Loss? You see, for so long I found myself getting tangled up with those crazy fad diet programs thinking that they are the only solution for getting in the best shape possible. Consequently, I had to learn that they are VERY ineffective and will only bring about side effects (loss of energy, digestive problems, and once you lose weight and then stop the diet... you regain it all the weight back)!

Once I came across a much more effective diet program, and stayed relentlessly consistent with it, I ended up with the body of my dreams... in 8 weeks... and my results have been completely permanent!

What was the diet based on? It was based on eating ALL types of nutrients more frequently through out the day (4 meals instead of the typical 2 or 3), and it was based on a secret fat burning trick called "shifting calories" that caused my metabolism to soar to the highest peak! The end result was 52 pounds dropped, 4 inches lost off the waist, and belly fat melted away... in 2 months!

Bottom line, you CAN get the body of your dreams, and you DO NOT have to do anything that is complicated, unnatural, expensive, or so called "popular" in order to get in shape. What I recommend you do is focus on lowering stress and get yourself on a natural diet that is based on getting complete proper nutrition and boosting your metabolism. You'll develop a much more healthier and trim body in just weeks from now!

So, if you want to Melt Away Belly Fat FAST and drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS, then I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

DIET vs EXERCISE Episode 1: Fat Loss Diet versus Best Cardio Workout to Burn Belly Fat

Well, at last someone with a sense of humor can shed a little light on exercise and diet for us!
Enjoy -

Monday, August 23, 2010

Balanced Eating - The Role of the Mind

Today I am interested in looking at the role the mind plays in practicing a balanced eating plan. I believe the mind is a central part of the story and that without harnessing the right attitude nothing else will really fall into place. There is a lot of info about healthy mind healthy body but today I want to explore the notion of forcing the body to encourage the mind to recognise the benefits of a healthy eating diet.

What I mean is that if you force yourself to make a single healthy choice your body will thank you for it. If you do this repeatedly your body will convince your mind of the benefits and in turn your mind will then encourage you to choose the healthy option at your next meal and the whole process will be come easier the further you go. In effect the healthy option will become a much more attractive food choice.

Forget craving sugar, fat, and salt. Start craving vegetables fruit and high fibre foods as your mind salivates over the benefits your body will be realising. It sounds a bit like a what comes first the chicken or the egg? I guess but the mind can influence the body and the body can influence the mind and until both are working in harmony then we need to leverage the opportunity to influence the other towards healthier options that form a balanced eating plan.

The right attitude is the secret to success in health. Your mind can feed your body healthy foods and your body can feed your mind healthy energy. Once you start on the journey of balanced eating your mind and body will push each other towards a healthier life faster than you realise.

The single most important thing any of us can do to change is to make a small adjustment. No matter how small or unrelated to our big picture goal that change is it will start a reaction that will lead to being on the path and continuing on the path to wherever you want to go. Big things happen slowly step by step. Taking the first step is usually the hardest part. Once you get moving it all becomes easier. So why don't you join me and lets take the first step to following a balanced eating plan together?

Rich has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1986 and during this time has had an interesting and extremely informative relationship with food, the body, the mind and how they all interact and influence one another. To find out more go to:

Rich Nicol - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What To Eat To Lose Weight

Well, I have just spent an hour trying to find a funny weight loss video. So many are so boring! And the ones which were slightly funny were ..... well... um........mmmmmmmmmmmm

So I left them where they were.

Here's some simple advice.I'm not sure he has all his facts quite right but the message is there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Lose 14lb in 5 days

If you need to lose weight in a hurry or for that special occasion this looks a sensible fast weight loss diet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are Fad Diets Dangerous?

Here's some sensible advice:

We humans seem to be obsessed with novelty and gimmicks and so even though we know that something is good for us, or is a reliable solution to a particular problem, we will ignore it in favor of something flashier and eye catching. A prime example of this issue can be plainly seen in regards to weight loss and dieting in that the tried and proven methods of weight loss, such as exercise and healthy eating are summarily snubbed in favor of fad diets.

These fad diets, which are as bereft of facts as they are nutritional value, should be approached with extreme caution. A great deal of them encourage very counter-productive and frankly, downright dangerous eating habits such as the total abstinence of one type of food, in favour of excessive consumption of another.

What many people fail to realize is that whilst there is issues such as "vitamin deficiency" it is also possible to actually overdose on certain types of healthy food. For example, whilst Vitamin A is proudly broadcasted as the primary means of ensuring healthy eyes and eyesight, an overdose of this vitamin can cause cataracts and even blindness.

Fad diets effectively demonise otherwise healthy foods and so they completely ignore any form of balance in regards to this issue. The Atkins Diet was a prime example of this, in that carbohydrates are determined as being hazardous to weight loss and therefore, they were to be avoided.

Carbohydrates are not an essential energy source for the human body and so it is in theory at least, entirely possible for a person to be able to acquire all of the energy they need for their activities solely from protein and fat.

However, consuming carbohydrates as an energy source will significantly reduce the risks of heart disease as well as renal failure, which are two health conditions associated with an excessive consumption of fat, and protein respectively.

The Atkins diet used faulty logic as it generalised ALL carbs to be hazardous to health. Complex carbohydrates which are found in wholegrain bread, pasta and vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms are ideal for safeguarding good health, whereas simple carbs (commonly found in chocolate, soda and refined sugar) do not provide substantial or beneficial health effects for the person who consumes them.

Tread lightly when using a fad diet, or better yet, just don't use them at all.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Click here - FREE How to Lose 20lbs in 4 weeks without Special Diets

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