Friday, June 18, 2010

Proteins and Weight Loss

We all need protein in our diet, even vegetarians need to eat some sort of protein, because it is essential for the growth and repair of tissue.

While meat is our main source of protein we also obtain it from fish, eggs, milk, and cheese.

While red meat is a great protein – don’t eat too much if you’re trying to lose weight as it is full of fat.

Don’t cut it out of your diet altogether but chicken and fish are a better choice when you’re trying to lose weight.

The other variety of protein comes from plants and includes peas, beans, lentils nuts and cereal grains. If you limit yourself to these you’ll probably need a supplement to get the right balance of amino acids.

It’s important not to cut out protein if you’re trying to lose weight

1 comment:

  1. More healthy and more effective ways for the weight loss are dieting, exercising, and sports.
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